How to re-activate Office 2010 Technical Preview
Several people who installed the Technical Preview of Microsoft Office 2010 noticed after 30 days activation will not succeed. This is related to the fact the activation servers of Office 2010 not yet are published via DNS, simply explained to the fact they don’t exist yet. How you can re-activate for another 30 days? I give you a brief procedure how to do it :
First you have to stop the service : Office Software Protection
Then run x:\Windows\System32\OSPPRUN.exe (x can be your C: or other driveletter you have installed windows on)
You will have a prompt.
Enter these command followed by an enter like shown below, go to next step
>Initialize (enter)
>Open (enter)
>GetInstalledSkuIds (enter)
0. 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a (deze is het ID van Office 2010)
1. 26adec89-edf3-4adc-a3fc-c865f1a9f71f
> GetInstalledAppIds 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a (enter)
0. 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
(You will get something that looks like this)
> GetLicensingStatus 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a (enter)
SkuId = 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a
dwGraceTime = 1D 23:37
dwTotalGraceDays = 30 days
hrReason = 4004F00C
qwExpiration = 2010/10/31
(What you are now going to do is set AppID and SkuID for Office 2010 to enable again 30 days before activation. That gives you another 30 days to test. Mostly the IDs are the same, if not please copy and use yours
> Rearm 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a 1 (enter)
>close (enter)
>Initialize (enter)
>open (enter)
You can enter the command below to check out how many days you have left (See dwGraceTime):
> GetLicensingStatus 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a (enter)
SkuId = 128a057a-7e95-4063-b296-c54c5f3d3f3a
dwGraceTime = 29D 23:37
dwTotalGraceDays = 30 days
hrReason = 4004F00C
qwExpiration = 2010/10/31
>quit (enter)
You are able to use it again for 30 days. Have a lot of fun with testing Microsoft Office 2010…
thnxs alot dude….
its awesome….
thx lot!
thanks man this was SO usefull!!!!
Isn’t there way to activate perm? i dont wanna be doing this every month
@ regon, Bruno and Jono : thanks no problem
@ MayK : Only if you have the Beta. Some people write they don’t need to activate Office 2010 after 30 days, other ones cannot work after the 30 days. IMHO I think a next 30 days will give you enough time to find the Beta version.
I am on Vista platform and the procedure you explained above didn’t work. I did stop the service but after typing initialize command, I got a message ‘Error code hr = 0x80070005, Access denied’ so that I cannot continue with the following steps. Any suggestion? Thanks a lot 🙂
@ Wing
Did you run CMD.exe as ‘Administrator’? You have to. Try this and let me know.
I have the same problem with wing. my only one account and that is the administrator account, but i’m getting the same error message. any suggestions? thanx in advance!
@Wing and @Eagl.
Even if you are an administrator or the administrator on your PC, especially Vista you need to explicit run CMD as Administrator. This is called Elevated Administrator priviliges.
See this examples and pictures :
Thanks for this…. I’ve done this on my Windows 7 machine. Worked great although I did have the same issue as Wing and Eagl and I did run OSPPRUN.exe with elevated priviledges. The issue was that the service you mentioned had started again on its own, so I just stopped it again and it was fine.
Thanks again.
@ Tbass
Thanks for completing this 🙂
It’s not a permanent solution but you can add another 30 days. The beta is announced so maybe this will become public soon.
This is a technical preview which is not meant to be for everyone. Some ‘level’ need to be there. It’s a preview not even a beta.
But it is working very well. I’m very happy with the new Outlook 2010. The only issue I have is that I don’t get my hotmail connector working under 2010. Like you said I’m running this on Windows 7 Ultimate. Windows 7 Ultimate with Office 2010 Technical Preview, if you ask me the perfect team.
For business projects I use my official Windows Vista Ultimate with Office 2007. But I have to admit I use Win7 with Off2010 very often.
Thanks for adding comments!
hey ramon ik heb een vraagje als in typ getinstalledskulds krijg ik invalled commands/arguments heb jij enig idee ik draai met windows 7 gr daniel
Ik weet het niet zeker maar bij GetInstalledSkuIds is het allemaal in kleine letters geschreven : getinstalledskuids… dat is dus een i, Ids= ids.
i is hoofdletter I en verwarrend met kleine l (L).
Ik werk ook met Windows 7… dus daar ligt het niet aan. succes
Ook ik krijg een error ondanks cmd.exe uitvoeren als administrator en daarna in dezelfde prompt doorgaan met C:\Windows\System32\OSPPRUN.exe
Ondanks licence service gestopt was in services toch melding gekregen dat deze running was ???
@P. van Baak
Ik kreeg hetzelfde als jij, maar pas na de 2de keer rearmen… Ik zal de installatie nog eens doen en simuleren in VMWare… Ik kom hier op terug.
I cant continue in the third step i wrote
GetInstalledSkuIds in the cmd prompt but displays invalid commands/arguments.
Help Pls!!
Dear all…
As of now I don’t continue to post comments because the Preview is way out of date. Please arrange a beta.
The things I wrote work well if followed strictly. Some users experienced this method working for 2-3 times. That gives you 30-60 days. That’s the double of time what Microsoft gave.
Please remember always that technical previews and betas are for looking how things are working technically and are meant for consultants with a certain level. It’s not a replacement for your production software.
Thanks for commenting and adding information,
i tested ok with my laptop, but my computer at work doesn’t show service administrator on control panel… how to stop the service without accessing the control panel?? thanks
Great, that works verrrry wel 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us.
@ Hindarto
I’m sure if you know the servicesname you can stop it by using ‘services stop’ command.
I’m not using the technical preview anymore due to the reason the official beta is out.
@ Steve
Thanks for sending thanks 🙂 You’re welcome…
Ik kan ospprun.exe helemaal niet vinden??
Bestand zou moeten staan in system-folder zoals uitgelegd. Als het er niet staat, heb je een legitieme windows?
File should be in system-directory like explained. If it’s not there, do you have a legal copy of Windows?
UITSTEKENT Zonder commentaar
Op het moment dat ik dit probeer krijg ik bij rearm de volgende melding:
Error code hr = 0xC004FE00,The Software Licensing Service reported that activation is required to recover from tampering of SL Service trusted store. Enig idee hoe dit komt, en of er een oplossing voor is.
Werk trouwens met een officiële versie van Windows 7 Enterprise
@ Myscire
Het enige wat ik kan terugvinden is dat mensen die dit probleem hebben Visio apart hebben geinstalleerd en waarschijnlijk Exchange 2007 gebruiken. Waarom dit is weten die beta-testers ook niet. Zoals gezegd is deze beta niet meer ‘current’ en houden ze zich er niet meer mee bezig. Microsoft heeft dit opgelost maar gaat natuurlijk niet zeggen hoe en waarom dit is. Het re-armen is eigenlijk niet echt de bedoeling. Kijk of je een echte beta kunt krijgen en niet de technical preview. Werkt stukken beter weer.
Hi Ramon, I have created an EXE for this. If you want it, let me know.
I’m not interested because I don’t work with the Technical Preview anymore. It’s old and absolete. Thanks for the offer 🙂
Hi, is there an activation for the beta, too? Cause if you use it more than 30 days there will be a pop-up window and a red window frame.
Beta is out since a while… no new comments.
invalid commands/arguments when i try to get the installed skulds..
@james… it looks you didn’t follow the instructions exactly. Or you are not in administrator-mode or you made a typo. use copy and paste to be sure. and ofcourse dont copy/paste the prompt (>) and spaces…
mini-KMS_Activator_v1.3_Office2010_VL_ENG is de oplossing!